Bee Silhouette Picture Mount
Bee silhouette cut-out mount ready for your craft-making project using your own material.
Material ideas (not supplied)
Newspaper article
Wallpaper samples
Upholstery fabric to match your decor
Any page of a book, comic, magazine, etc
Children can get involved by drawing a picture for this project.
Single white mount - landscape
12 x 10 inch - bee cut to size 10 x 8in
10 x 8 inch - bee cut to size 8 x 6in
12 x 10 inch - approx (31 x 25 cm)
10 x 8 inch - approx (25 x 20 cm)
The overall picture mount size is the same size as the inside glass or perspex.
Come in clear cellophane to keep it clean.
Note - The prices shown are charged for the overall mount size, not the bee size.