Surrounded by Great Grandchildren Picture Mount 16 x 12
Unframed - source the frame you like for our picture mount made for the Great Grandparents.
Photo size - total of 9 pictures
Centre photo 6 x 4 - (aperture cut to size 5.5 x 3.5 inch)
Per photo, left & right side 3.5 x 3 inch - (aperture cut to size 3 x 2.5 inch)
Top two above middle photo 2.5 x 2.5 - (aperture cut to size 2 x 2 inch)
Double mounted in the white and cream background, heart-shaped in bevel edge cut out for added loving design for the Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather.
Inscription - Surrounded by precious Great Grandchildren with love
Source the frame size 16 x 12 inch - (40.64 x 30.48 cm)
Handmade by the maker in Somerset, UK - accessories around the mount as shown are for illustration purposes.