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Make 2017 the year you build memories - Azana Photo Frames

Make 2017 the year you build memories

With Christmas and New Year now behind us, the tree back in its box and the Christmas lights detangled for another year, the time has come to consider what this coming year will hold. For many of us, daily life can seem like an endless merry-go-round of working to earn money then spending it to make us feel better about all those hours sat at a desk. But what if we choose 2017 to be the year of building memories, rather than just buying them?

The importances of shared memories


When you look back on your childhood do you remember the year you got a new TV or a great looking sofa or do you remember that amazing picnic that all your friends came to and you spent the whole day playing in the fountain? When the time comes and you are on your deathbed it will be the experiences that you remember, not the things you had.

The commercialisation of Christmas can sometimes seem like a sad part of life in this modern age, but it really is possible to enjoy the excitement of the day and the gift buying and receiving, while still ensuring that memories are being embedded. Its about creating the right set of priorities. Put the experiences first and see that purchases are incidental to those memory buildings events.

Recording your experiences

Building those experiences is as important as finding ways to remember them forever. You may choose to record your special events in a number of ways. Writing about them in a diary is perfect for recording your feelings, while taking photos or making videos will cement the day in your head forever.

You can also remember special events by talking about them with your family from time to time. Even sad memories such as the death of a loved one can become an important shared memory for the whole family if it is talked about and remembered.

Our special day personalised family photo frames are designed to allow you to keep memories alive. Whether it is the day your child took their first steps, the family get together at the beach or your child’s first haircut - you can have a simple memory-jogger on your wall to bring all those memories flooding back. Displaying photos can be the perfect way to ensure your experiences are real and tangible as well as being a great conversation kickstarter.

Make 2017 the year when you build experiences for all your family - let your memories of this year be filled with wonder and excitement and never put the buying of stuff as your priority over the building of shared experiences.

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